He kowiri tira konumohe e piko ana ki nga waahanga paiherea
Lambert Precision Hardware Limited, with ten years of experience in foreign trade, specializes in high precision sheet metal fabrication parts, laser cutting, welding, sheet metal bending, tube bending, sheet metal chassis enclosures, power supply enclosures, etc., which can be used in commercial design, ports, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, hotels, various piping systems, etc. Feel free to contact us by email: lambert@zslambert.com
OEM tapatapahi pepa whakarewa taiaho me te anga tautoko motopaika paiherea
Te hanga pepa whakarewa
304 nga wahanga hanga kowiri tira
tukatuka whakarewa pepa taapiri
tukatuka whakarewa pepa whakarewa
konumohe koranu wahi rau whakarewa
pouaka konumohe nga waahanga hanga whakarewa
pouaka konumohe whao fehokotaki'anga
konumohe whakarite whārangi hanga whakarewa ratonga
tukanga hanga pepa konumohe
konumohe rau whakarewa piko
fehokotaki'anga rau konumohe
whakarewa piko fehokotaki'anga
nga waahanga whakarewa whakarewa
tapahi taiaho mo te whakarewa
hanga tapahi konganuku
etc.Lambert Precision Sheet Metal Processing Co., Ltd., with ten years of foreign trade experience, specializes in high-precision sheet metal processing parts, laser cutting, sheet metal bending, pipe bending, sheet metal chassis shell, power shell, etc., which can be applied to commercial design, ports, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, hotels, various pipeline systems, etc. Welcome to contact us by email: lambert@zslambert.com
he kowiri piko te hanga pepa whakarewa ritenga whatanga pahikara
Lambert Precision Sheet Metal Processing Co., Ltd., with ten years of foreign trade experience, specializes in high-precision sheet metal processing parts, laser cutting, sheet metal bending, pipe bending, sheet metal chassis shell, power shell, etc., which can be applied to commercial design, ports, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, hotels, various pipeline systems, etc. Welcome to contact us by email: sales02@zslambert.com
Te hanga pepa whakarewa
Pepa whakarewa oro, paraihe, huri maimoatanga mata, etc.
304 nga wahanga hanga kowiri tira
tukatuka whakarewa pepa taapiri
tukatuka whakarewa pepa whakarewa
konumohe koranu wahi rau whakarewa
pouaka konumohe nga waahanga hanga whakarewa
pouaka konumohe whao fehokotaki'anga
konumohe whakarite whārangi hanga whakarewa ratonga
tukanga hanga pepa konumohe
konumohe rau whakarewa piko
fehokotaki'anga rau konumohe
whakarewa piko fehokotaki'anga
nga waahanga whakarewa whakarewa
tapahi taiaho mo te whakarewa
hanga tapahi konganuku
etc. -
Ko nga waahanga whakarewa o te papanga whakarewa OEM he mea whakarite i te hanga whakarewa
Lambert Precision Sheet Metal Processing Co., Ltd., with ten years of foreign trade experience, specializes in high-precision sheet metal processing parts, laser cutting, sheet metal bending, pipe bending, sheet metal chassis shell, power shell, etc., which can be applied to commercial design, ports, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, hotels, various pipeline systems, etc. Welcome to contact us by email: lambert@zslambert.com
Te hanga pepa whakarewa
304 nga wahanga hanga kowiri tira
tukatuka whakarewa pepa taapiri
tukatuka whakarewa pepa whakarewa
konumohe koranu wahi rau whakarewa
pouaka konumohe nga waahanga hanga whakarewa
pouaka konumohe whao fehokotaki'anga
konumohe whakarite whārangi hanga whakarewa ratonga
tukanga hanga pepa konumohe
konumohe rau whakarewa piko
fehokotaki'anga rau konumohe
whakarewa piko fehokotaki'anga
nga waahanga whakarewa whakarewa
tapahi taiaho mo te whakarewa
hanga tapahi konganuku
etc. -
OEM 304 kowiri tira wahi hanga konumohe piko whakawhaiaro rau karaehe whakarewa
Lambert Precision Sheet Metal Processing Co., Ltd., with ten years of foreign trade experience, specializes in high-precision sheet metal processing parts, laser cutting, sheet metal bending, pipe bending, sheet metal chassis shell, power shell, etc., which can be applied to commercial design, ports, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, hotels, various pipeline systems, etc. Welcome to contact us by email: lambert@zslambert.com
304 nga wahanga hanga kowiri tira
tukatuka whakarewa pepa taapiri
tukatuka whakarewa pepa whakarewa
konumohe koranu wahi rau whakarewa
pouaka konumohe nga waahanga hanga whakarewa
pouaka konumohe whao fehokotaki'anga
konumohe whakarite whārangi hanga whakarewa ratonga
tukanga hanga pepa konumohe
konumohe rau whakarewa piko
fehokotaki'anga rau konumohe
whakarewa piko fehokotaki'anga
nga waahanga whakarewa whakarewa
tapahi taiaho mo te whakarewa
hanga tapahi konganuku
etc. -
Ratonga piko ngongo ngongo CNC Ritenga
Ko te piko o te paipa he tukanga e utaina tuatahitia ai te paipa ki roto ki te piko, ki te piko paipa ranei, katahi ka whakairihia ki waenga i nga mate e rua (paraka piri me te hanga mate).Ko te ngongo hoki e mau tonu ana e etahi atu moka e rua, ko te moka muru me te pehanga pehanga.
ritenga koranu konumohe konganuku pepa konganuku piko Ratonga
Ko te piko o te pepa whakarewa he mahi e whai kaha ana ki te whakarereke i te ahua o te pepa.Ka mahia tenei kia whiwhi ai i te ahua me te ahua e hiahiatia ana mo te mahi whakangao.Ko te kaha o waho ka huri noa i nga ahuatanga o waho o te rau.Heoi, ko nga tawhā whakarewa rau mo tetahi momo, penei i te roa me te matotoru, kare tonu e rereke.Ko te ngawari o te pereti konganuku ka taea te whakamahi i roto i nga momo mahi hangai.
Ko nga tikanga whakarewa pepa ko te piko V, te piko o te pukapuka, te piko U, te piko muru, te piko hurihuri.